QT 25/10/2024 Fri. 2Timothy 4. Choose sides? 选边站?

QT 25/10/2024 Fri. 2Timothy 4. Choose sides? 选边站?

QT 25/10/2024 Fri. 2Timothy 4. Choose sides?
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2tim4

We live all of life in expectation of that encounter, the encounter with "his appearing and his kingdom" (2Tim 4:1).

Focus on diligent and patient preaching of the word whatever the circumstances (2Tim 4:2,5), even though others relate and connect to preachers who are willing to say what their itching ears want to hear (2Tim 4:3).

Which side are you on?

[SIDE 1]: The side of calm, endurance, doing the work of an evangelist, discharging the duties of ministry (2Tim 4:5), self-sacrificial (2Tim 4:6), fighting the good fight with faith (2Tim 4:7), longing for Christ's appearance (2Tim 4:8), helpful to God's messengers (2Tim 4:11), able to glorify God in the midst of every evil attack (2Tim 4:18). This is the side that faces God and moves nearer and nearer to God each day.

[SIDE 2]: The side of having loved this present world, deserted God's messenger (2Tim 4:10), like Alexander—doing "great harm" to God's servant (2Tim 4:14). This is the side that faces away from God and moves further and further away from godly lifestyle with each passing day.

Be on God's side, move nearer to God, trusting that He will bring you "safely into his heavenly kingdom" (2Tim 4:18).

星期五 2024年10月25日 今日读经:提摩太后书4章。 选边站?


务要传道: 无论在什么情况下,都要专注于勤奋和耐心地传道(提后书 4:5),即使听众与那些愿意说他们自己想听的话的传道人有关更已建立了联系(提后书 4:3)。



[第二边]:这一边爱慕现今世界,离弃神的使者(提后 4:10),像亚历山大一样——“大大伤害”神的仆人(提后4:14)。这一边背离神,一天天地远离敬虔的生活方式。
