QT 26/07/2024 Fri. 2Cor 4. See beyond difficulties. 跨越困难。
QT 26/07/2024 Fri. 2Cor 4.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor4
Do continue to share and preach God's word, refuse to "practice cunning or to tamper with God's word" (2Cor 4:2).
Be mentally prepared for two possible responses: (1) truth received by the seeing, (2) truth rejected by those whom "the god of this world has blinded" (2Cor 4:4).
For spiritual progress, Paul exhorted readers to abandon "disgraceful, underhanded ways" (2Cor 4:2). Instead, be motivated by the desire to preach Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:5), rather than another human or system.
It was because the Corinthians were ALREADY in Christ, ALREADY "the church of God" (2Cor 1:1), believers need to LIVE OUT that STATUS by:-
(1) LEADING a life of integrity. Immerse yourself with truth. DO NOT seek out nor surround yourselves with lies, nor buy them.
(2) TREATING yourselves as only "jars of clay" (2Cor 4:7). These are fragile. Be humble.
(3) REMEMBER the "treasure in jars of clay" (2Cor 4:7) in us. "The knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2Cor 4:6) will demonstrate the power of God when preached and revealed. Rely on Him!
(4) EXPECT afflictions (4:8), perplexity (4:8), persecution (4:9), being struck down (4:9) etc, even carrying death of Jesus around in our body (4:10). But the Christian life consists also of renewal "day by day" (4:16) and eternal glory at the end (2Cor 4:17).
(5) FIX our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2Cor 4:18).
星期五 2024年7月26日 今日读经:哥林多后书4章. 超越困难。
要继续分享和传讲神的话语,“不行诡诈,不掺混 神的道”(林后4:2)。
(1) 活出正直的生命来。让自己沉浸在真理里面。不要去寻找或让自己被谎言围绕,也不要去信谎言。
(2) 视自己为“瓦器”(林后4:7)。这些都是易碎的。要谦卑。
(3) 记住我们有“宝贝在瓦器里”(林后4:7)。“我们把 神的荣光照出去,就是使人可以认识那在基督脸上的荣光”(林后4:6),我们传扬耶稣的时候神的大能就彰显了。信靠祂!
(4) 将会有苦难(4:8)、心里作难(4:8)、受迫害(4:9)、被打倒(4:9)等,甚至身上常常带着耶稣的死(4:10)。但是基督徒的生命也包括“里面的人却日日更新”(4:16)和最后永远的荣耀(林后4:17)。
(5) 不要把眼目定睛在看得见的,而是看不见的。因为看得见的是暂时的,看不见的是永远的(林后4:18)。