QT 26/09/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 30. Seeking refuge in who? 向谁寻求庇护?

QT 26/09/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 30. Seeking refuge in who? 向谁寻求庇护?

QT 26/09/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 30. Seeking refuge in who?

MEDITATION: Ezek 30 continues wtih the section relating to ancient Egypt (Ezek 29:1-32:32). Her military might and pride would be dismantled (Ezek 30:4-8) and her wealth destroyed (Ezek 30:10-11).

When Pharaoh, king of Egypt, boasted that "My Nile is my own; I made it for myself" (Ezek 29:3), the LORD rebutted with His own declaration, "I will dry up the Nile and will sell the land into the hand of evildoers" (Ezek 30:12).

With the phrase "I am the LORD; I have spoken" (Ezek 30:12), the LORD put His stamp of authority over the politics and warfare of the Ancient Near East. This applied to both Egypt and Babylon (Ezek 30:10,24,25).

Judah had wrongly sought refuge in Egypt (Jer 2:6,18,36; 26:21) when they should have submitted to the LORD's discipline via Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon (Ezek 30:10).

APPLICATION: Politics, violence and warfare among nations might increase in the coming year. But fear not, because the nations and their history are under the LORD's sovereign authority. Even at the peak of their rebellion and violence (e.g. crucifying Jesus Christ on the cross through injustice and manipulation), the LORD's purpose was still being effected. Trust the LORD today!

星期四 2024年9月26日 今日读经:以西结书30章。向谁寻求庇护?




