QT 27/01/2025 Mon. Ecclesiastes 10. Embrace Wisdom Even as You Encounter Life's Folly and Uncertainty. 即使遭遇人生的愚蠢和不确定性,也要拥抱智慧。

QT 27/01/2025 Mon. Ecclesiastes 10
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eccl10
Paying attention to pursue wisdom and avoiding folly are important investments of time and attention because "a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor" (10:1), just as "Dead flies make the perfumer's ointment give off a stench" (10:1) however pure the quality of that perfume.
Paying attention to hints of foolishness is important because folly is more easily evident to all except the fool (10:3). Even then, people do still refuse to embrace wisdom and reject folly. Such is the fallen nature of humanity.
REFLECTION: Have you realised that you have not done a wrong (in your own eyes) for a very very long time? Did you realise that all the wrongs that you have found out so far reside in others? Do you now regret knowing the person who now point out the wrong in you?
Few things are more damaging than the combination of human depravity, foolishness, power and position to exercise that power (10:5–7). Yet wisdom can reduce the probabilities of encountering damage due to folly, but wisdom cannot totally eliminate risks of things going wrong (10:8–9).
Wisdom helps to reduce the effort of getting things done efficiently (10:10), but sadly, a few wisemen might not be able to counteract foolish leaders or powerful appointment holders.
"Appointments made on the basis of things like nepotism, political loyalty, or wealth often have negative outcomes. Competence, good character, and demonstrated wisdom are much better criteria for leadership, and few things are more destructive than folly amplified by power." Do you agree or disagree? Why so?
Ecclesiastes 10:16–18
[16] Woe to you, O land, when your king is a child,
and your princes feast in the morning!
[17] Happy are you, O land, when your king is the son of the nobility,
and your princes feast at the proper time,
for strength, and not for drunkenness!
[18] Through sloth the roof sinks in,
and through indolence the house leaks. (ESV)
Qoheleth's teaching point is not to encourage depression, disappointment or disengaging from society ("lie flat"). Instead, it is more important to pursue godly wisdom, a wisdom that understands (1) the importance of settling our relationship with God first and foremost in life rather than other lesser things, (2) the necessity of moving forward with diligence while at the same time growing in godliness, and (3) living in light of the current and future judgment of God.
Therefore, we should use wise words, moving forward with patience, assessing the risks, avoid being paralysed by the status of not knowing everything beforehand—this is not possible. We then take the appropriate risk calculations (for no venture is ever without any risks at all) and move forward with diligence planning that also trusts God at the same time.
QT 27/01/2025 星期一. 传道书 10
注意追求智慧和避免愚蠢是对时间和注意力的重要投资,因为 “一点点愚昧比智慧和荣誉的影响更大”(10:1),正如 “几只死苍蝇能使做香料者的膏油发霉变臭”(10:1),无论香水的质量多么纯正。
传道书 10:16-18 邦国啊,如果你的王是个孩童,而你的大臣又一早吃喝宴乐,你就有祸了。17 邦国啊,如果你的王是贵冑之子,而你的大臣又按时吃喝,为要得力,不为醉酒,你就有福了。18 房顶塌下是因为懒惰,房屋滴漏是因为懒得动手。