QT 27/02/2024 Tuesday Luke 5

QT 27/02/2024 Tuesday Luke 5
Jesus seems to be intentional in getting Peter involved in His lakeside ministry (Luke 5:1-3). Peter did not object to Jesus' use of his boat as temporary pulpit.
REFLECTION (1): Are you sensitive to the times when Jesus or those who represent Him are somehow trying to get you involved in His kingdom work?
The work might relate to
(1) preaching the good news to the poor,
(2) proclaiming freedom for prisoners,
(3) recovery of sight for the blind,
(4) release of the oppressed.
It might involve work relating to the sick/outcast (lepers in Luke 5:12-16), helping people who are reading to respond in faith to Jesus (Luke 5:17-26), or even calling others directly into specific ministries (Luke 5:27-31).
REFLECTION (2): Do you see from Luke 5 that from the outset, Jesus faced opposition and difficulties? Do you easily feel like giving up when you face difficulties?
REFLECTION (3): Are you willing to shoot the rapids downstream, until it reaches the deep oceans of the world? Are you willing to persevere for the sake of the gospel?
星期二 2024年2月27日 今日读经:路加福音5章