QT 27/03/2024 Wednesday [GDF4] Contrasting Responses: Nothing new under the sun. 截然不同的回应: 太阳底下无新事. Luke21:37–38,22:1–2
![QT 27/03/2024 Wednesday [GDF4] Contrasting Responses: Nothing new under the sun. 截然不同的回应: 太阳底下无新事. Luke21:37–38,22:1–2](/content/images/size/w1200/2023/11/20240327-week-15-day-4-luke21-22.jpg)
QT 27/03/2024 Wednesday [GDF4]
Contrasting Responses: Nothing new under the sun
Luke 21:37–38 And every day he was teaching in the temple, but at night he went out and lodged on the mount called Olivet. [38] And early in the morning all the people came to him in the temple to hear him. (ESV)
Luke 22:1–2 [The Plot to Kill Jesus] Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near, which is called the Passover. [2] And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to put him to death, for they feared the people. (ESV)
Jesus was teaching throughout the day in the temple, to eager listeners that also came the next morning "to hear him". In spite of the difficulties of Jesus' ministry, He taught regularly with whatever opportunities that avail Him. Terrible times await Him and His disciples in the next few days, and all of His true disciples thereafter. Serve God while you can!
Therefore, those who follow Jesus must be mentally prepared to deal with persecutions, false claims of Messiah, false teachings and lawlessness generally. Jerusalem's fall and the destruction of the temple (again) in A.D. 70 pointed to difficult times ahead when God's people must continue to rely on divine guidance, pray for protection, and stand up to injustice and persecutions courageously.
But once again, the "Passover" reminded readers that it was back to the basics again–when God's people celebrated the Passover earlier their history (in the Exodus account), such that a new nation consecrated to the LORD was formed.
Dr Luke would like readers to know that the church will be under intense pressure once again in the upcoming troubles, but also reminded them that God was still in control, because the One who would be crucified would in God's providential control of the universe, be the one who would faithfully gather His faithful followers one day, on That Day victoriously.
Live faithfully, watch and pray with alertness, and look forward to His return as we commemorate Good Friday this week as a "national holiday"! Praise God!
星期三 2024年3月27日 今日读经:路加福音21:37-38,22:1-2. 截然不同的回应: 太阳底下无新事.
对比反应: 太阳底下无新事
路加福音 21:37-38 耶稣白天在殿里教导人,晚上就到橄榄山上去过夜。群众清早起来上圣殿,到他那里要听他讲道。
路加福音 22:1-2 除酵节又名逾越节近了。祭司长和经学家设法怎样杀害耶稣,因为他们惧怕群众。
耶稣在圣殿里整整讲了一天的道,热心的听众第二天早上也来 "听他讲道"。尽管耶稣的传道工作困难重重,他还是利用一切机会不停地讲道。在接下来的几天里,对他和他的门徒们来说将是可怕的时刻,此后等待他的所有真正的门徒也会面对极大的挑战。趁现在还能的时候事奉上帝!
因此,跟随耶稣的人必须做好心理准备,以应对迫害、假冒为弥赛亚的说法、错误的教导和无法无天的行为。公元 70 年耶路撒冷的陷落和圣殿(再次)被毁预示着未来的困难时期,上帝的子民必须继续依靠从神而来的引导,祈求保护,勇敢地面对不公正和迫害。
但是,"逾越节 "再次提醒读者,它又回到了最基本的地方--当上帝的子民在他们的历史上(出埃及记中)庆祝逾越节的时候,这样一个分别为圣给耶和华的新国度就形成了。
在本周作为 "国定假日 "纪念耶稣受难日之际,我们要忠心地生活,警醒地儆醒和祷告,期待祂的再来!赞美上帝!