QT 27/09/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 31. Wealth, culture & weaponry versus trust. 财富、文化和武器及信心。
QT 27/09/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 31. Wealth, culture & weaponry versus trust.
MEDITATION: The turning point was, not surprisingly, related to the matter of PRIDE again, "And its heart was proud of its height" (Ezek 31:10).
The example cited was the king of Assyria, portrayed as "a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches and forest shade" (Ezek 31:3). But in spite of her beauty (Ezek 31:3-9), Assyria was now gone because "Foreigners, the most ruthless of nations, have cut it down and left it" (Ezek 31:12).
This example warned the Egyptians and the audience of Ezekiel not to fall into the sin of pride, nor put wealth, culture and weaponry above trusting the LORD. Both "sin" and "pride" encompass the element "i" in the middle. The LORD has given us ample examples of the past to warn us. Have we taken these to heart?
REFLECTIONS: Beauty (Ezek 31:3,7,8,9), strength (Ezek 31:2,7,18) resources and abilities are naturally gifts from God. How we make use of them makes the difference. Are these used for Shepherding God's people with His Word, promoting Sanctification by God's Word and Sharing God's Word?
APPLICATION: Make a new resolution today to submit all that we have for the purpose of the LORD. Disclose your plans to a confidante or leader and request him or her to check on you, won't you?
星期五 2024年9月27日 今日读经:以西结书31章。财富、文化和武器及信心。
这个例子警告埃及人和以西结的听众,勿跌入骄傲的罪中,也勿把财富、文化和武器摆在倚靠耶和华之上。“我”字(英文字母I) 就在“罪”(sin)和“骄傲”(pride)的中间。神已透过许多以前的例子来告诫我们。我们谨记在心了吗?