QT 28/06/2024 Fri. 1Cor 1. 哥林多前书1章

QT 28/06/2024 Fri. 1Cor 1. 哥林多前书1章

QT 28/06/2024 Fri. 1Cor 1.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/1cor1

In the Corinth of Paul's time, people "advance in society" by gathering & displaying wealth, by using money to "buy friends" and business/political "connections" and by self-promotion. Some grabbed power and stroked one's own ego with impressive displays of speech and Corinthian "wisdom".

Others "progressed" by employing ridicule, by participating rigorously at all community/religious events of the numerous gods worshipped at Corinth (especially the cult of the Roman Emperor) in order to gain imperial, business and relational favours. Sexual promiscuity was prevalent too.

As "new creations" in Christ (2Cor 5:17), believers seemed "out of sync" with society. Becoming and remaining as Christians in faith and practice was extremely challenging in this kind of environment.

But first things first--The need for unity within the church in Rome was also the need for the church in Corinth.

"I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment." (1Cor 1:10)

The public testimony of Christians was compromised when the Corinthian believers were divided over who they actually followed--"Paul", "Apollos", "Cephas" or "Christ" (1Cor 1:12-14). Paul also warned them that their own perceived "wisdom" was actually foolishness (1Cor 1:18-29). Instead, they should choose true wisdom, which was righteousness, sanctification and redemption in Christ Jesus (1Cor 1:30).

REFLECTION: Are you united with your brothers and sisters at church "in the same mind and the same judgment" (1Cor 1:10), based on divine wisdom--Jesus Christ and what He stood for?

星期五 2024年6月28日 今日读经:哥林多前书1章





