QT 28/08/2024 Wed. Ezekiel 16. Remember humble beginnings. 记住卑微的起点。
QT 28/08/2024 Wed. Ezekiel 16. Remember humble beginnings.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze16
MEDITATION: Growth in the relationship with the LORD through the passage of time had it challenges. The LORD had selected Jerusalem even though her roots were no better than the pagans (Ezek 16:3).
The manner of her birth was not royal nor glorious (Ezek 16:4). Thus no one paid attention to her (Ezek 16:5).
Nevertheless, the LORD chose Jerusalem and took care of her (Ezek 16:6-14), only to have her rebelling by going after other gods (Ezek 16:15-29,30-34).
REFLECTION: As far as the LORD was concerned, going after other gods was considered adultery. It was ungratefulness to the extreme in the light of how far the LORD had brought them. Are we able to feel the pain inflicted on the LORD due to placing Him as number 2 or lesser?
星期三 2024年8月28日 今日读经:以西结书16章。 记住卑微的起点。