QT 29/01/2025 Wed. Ecclesiastes 12. Remember before you can't. 在你不能回想之前要记得。

QT 29/01/2025 Wed. Ecclesiastes 12. Remember before you can't. 在你不能回想之前要记得。

QT 29/01/2025 Wed. Ecclesiastes 12. Remember before you can't.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eccl12

Ecclesiastes 12:1–2 [1] Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”; [2] before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain, (ESV)
Ecclesiastes 12:6–8 [6] before the silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, [7] and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. [8] Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity. (ESV)

In between the above sections (12:3—5), the verses talked about the various signs of aging or some sort of losing interest in life: (1) "bent" referred to the spine of the strong but aging men (12:3), "grinders" spoke of loss of teeth (12:3), "windows are dimmed" pointed to deteriorating eyesight (12:3), "doors on the street are shut" might remotely refer to constipation? (12:4). "Grasshopper drags itself along, and desire fails" (12:5) speak of those moments or days of low energy "before the silver cord is snapped" (12:6).

The Qoheleth ended his struggles and lamentations in 12:8. Now the narrator of the book of Ecclesiastes resumed his critique of this rich, powerful and experienced Qoheleth (12:9–14), as he teaches his "son" (12:12).

Ecclesiastes 12:13–14 [13] The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. [14] For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. (ESV)

APPLICATION: Readers today are exhorted to remember God (12:1, 13) and cherish our resources, strength and motivations while we can (12:2–7) before returning to dust. Yet, we must do better than Qoheleth, because we understand the whole of life better today after having known Jesus Christ:

(1) Fear God (12:13)—have a right relationship with Him (Justification). Do you have it?

(2) Keep his commandments (12:13)—learning and practising God's laws are the best ways to holiness and Christ-likeness (Sanctification), living a life that is more like God, and living a life that is more pleasing to God. Are you on the way?

(3) Look forward to God's final judgment (Eschatology, 12:14)—actions do count, and all would be held accountable. Are you already prepared for that Day?

QT 29/01/2025 星期三. 传道书 12. 在你不能回想之前要记得。

传道书 12:1-2 [1]   在你壮年的日子,当记念你的创造主。不要等到衰败的日子,就是你所说:“我毫无喜乐”的那些年日临到,2 日头、光明、月亮、星宿变暗,雨后乌云再现的时候。
传道书12:6-8 [6] 银链断掉,金碗破裂,瓶子在泉旁破碎,打水的轮子在井边破烂。7 尘土要归回原来之地,灵要归回赐灵的 神。 8 传道者说:“虚空的虚空,一切都是虚空。”

在上述章节之间(12:3–5),经文显示了衰老或对生活失去兴趣的各种迹象:(1)“弯腰”指的是强壮但衰老的人的脊柱(12:3),“推磨”指的是牙齿脱落(12:3),“往窗外看的都昏暗了”指的是视力下降(12:3),“当街的门口关闭”可能遥指便秘(12:4)? “蚱蜢蹒跚而行,催情果失效“(12:5)说的是 "银链断掉,金碗破裂"的日子来到之前失去的动力的状态(12:6)。

在 12:8 中,教师(科希勒) 结束了他的挣扎和哀叹。现在,《传道书》的叙述者又开始了对这位富有、有权势、有经验的教师(科希勒)的批评(12:9-14),也就是叙述者正在教导他的孩子(“我儿”, 12:12)。

传道书 12:13-14 [13]  你们一切都听见了,总而言之,应当敬畏 神,谨守他的诫命,因为这是每一个人的本分。14 人所作的每一件事,连一切隐藏的事,无论是善是恶, 神都必审问。


(1) 敬畏神(12:13)——与神建立正确的关系(称义)。你有吗?

(2) 遵守他的诫命(12:13)——学习和实践神的律法是通往圣洁和学像基督的样式(成圣)的最佳途径,过一种更像神的生活,过一种更讨神喜悦的生活。你走在这条路上吗?

(3) 期待上帝的最终审判(末世论,12:14)——行为不是没有后果的,会被追究责任的。你已经为那一天做好准备了吗?