QT 29/05/2024 Wednesday Acts 19. The border crossing tongue. 过境的方言。

QT 29/05/2024 Wednesday Acts 19. The border crossing tongue. 过境的方言。

QT 29/05/2024 Wednesday Acts 19.


Did speaking in tongues accompany baptised believers in Acts? Yes and No.

(1) Here in Acts 19:4-6, twelve of the believers in Ephesus were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus (not in the name of the Holy Spirit). After Paul placed his hands on them, they spoke in tongues (other languages) and prophesied.

(2) In Acts 2:4, 8-11 among the APOSTLES and EARLY believers - Tongues in Acts seems to take on its initial meaning ("other languages", as in Acts 2) consistently.

"And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? Parthians and Medes and Elamites and .... we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God." (Acts 2:8-11)

(3) In 10:44-46, even the GENTILES in Caesarea spoke in tongues and extolled God. The sound of this speech and its content (praising God) were heard by Peter and those who came with him (Acts 10:45,46). The ability to speak in tongues proved to Peter that the Gentiles did receive (and CAN receive) the Holy Spirit, "just as we have" (Acts 10:47).

Absence of evidence might not be evidence of absence. But consider the absence in the records.

[NO - Even after Baptism]: There was no record of the 3000 baptised believer speaking in tongues (Acts 2:41). Similarly there were no records of the following speaking in tongues: the Ethiopian official (Acts 8:38-39), Paul himself in Damascus (Acts 9:18), Lydia and her household (Acts 16:15) and the Philippian jailer and his family (Acts 16:33).

[NO - Even after being filled with the Holy Spirit]
Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit while facing the Sanhedrin but Luke made no mention of tongues (4:8). Likewise for Stephen, who was full of the Holy Spirit, while addressing the Sanhedrin (7:55); and Paul, who was full of the Holy Spirit while confronting Elymas (13:9).

REFLECTION (1): Could the [YES] above be accounted for because the gospel was CROSSING the borders on the way to the ends of the earth? Tongues appeared whenever an ethnic/geographical boundary was crossed, be it Jerusalem, Samaria, Gentiles etc...?

REFLECTION (2): Does the concept of "tongues" in 1Corinthians take on a similar or another meaning other than "ordinary languages" that could be understood by people of other ethnic groups?

APPLICATION: S-Word, be careful to weigh the scriptural evidence, which must guide practice, rather than the other way round. Anyway, we thank God that the gospel had crossed many borders and had come to us. Let us also cross the last borders on earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Press on!

星期三2024年5月29日 今日读经:使徒行传19章。过境的方言。


(1) 在徒19:4-6,以弗所的十二个信徒都奉主耶稣的名受洗的(不是奉圣灵的名)。保罗为他们按手之后,他们就用各种的语言讲话(别的语言),并且说预言。

(2) 在徒2:4,8-11,在门徒和早期的信徒之间--使徒行传里的方言往往只有一个意思(“其他的语言”,就如使徒2章)。

“我们各人怎么听见他们讲我们从小所用的本乡话呢?我们帕提亚人、玛代人、以拦人和...都听见他们用我们的语言,讲说 神的大作为。”(徒2:8-11)

(3) 在10:44-46,就连在该撒利亚的外族人也说方言赞美神。这话的声音和内容(赞美神)让彼得和那些与他同来的人听见了(徒10:45,46)。这件事让彼得看到,能够说方言的能力证明了外族人领受了(而且可以领受)圣灵,“跟我们一样”(徒10:47)。



[不是 - 就算是被圣灵充满后]


