QT 29/07/2024 Mon. 2Cor 6. Serving God in anti-God environment. 在反上帝的环境中事奉

QT 29/07/2024 Mon. 2Cor 6. Serving God in anti-God environment. 在反上帝的环境中事奉

QT 29/07/2024 Mon. 2Cor 6. Serving God in anti-God environment.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor6

To SERVE God in an anti-God environment has its perils. Are you mentally and spiritually prepared? 2Cor 6:3-13 sets out some of the challenges.

The Singapore context might not have "beatings" or "imprisonments" at the moment. But you might have experienced serving with "endurance", "afflictions", "hardships", "dishonour", "slander", misunderstood as "impostors", "unknown", "dying", "sorrowful" or "having nothing".

A big blow would be an unreciprocated "affection" (2Cor 6:12). For Paul, these sufferings formed part of his credentials. Are you still serving faithfully?

Living as Christians in a world dominated by lawlessness (2Cor 6:14), darkness (2Cor 6:14), Belial (2Cor 6:15) and idols (2Cor 6:16) is dangerous. "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers" (2Cor 6:14) is more than NOT marrying unbelievers.

It is not to fall into a situation that will cause you to slide, SLOWLY but SURELY, into fellowship with idols, with idolatry, sexual immorality and association with the "dark" practices of the world just around the corner somewhere.

In such a corner, usually a blind corner where you would not realise it UNTIL you TURN the corner, wickedness abounds, darkness reigns, harmony with pagan gods thrives. In such a corner, "agreement with pagans" compromises your witness. It numbs you into forgetting that "we are the temple of the living God" (2Cor 6:16).

Paul was not asking the Corinthian Christians to be detached from the world (including the pagans) altogether. He acknowledges that pagan markets (1Cor 10:25) and even accept invitations to meals from an "unbeliever" (1Cor 10:27) still exist. But he did want them to form their identity in Christ so that they can be clearly DISTINGUISHED from the pagan values and lifestyles that lurk around the corner.

APPLICATION: Are you sensitive to where you are standing now with reference to yoking yourselves with unbelievers, if any? You are the Father's "sons and daughters" you know (2Cor 6:18).

星期一 2024年7月29日 今日读经:哥林多后书6章. 在反上帝的环境中事奉










应用:你是否敏感地意识到自己现在正与周围不信的人共负一轭? 你是父的“儿子和女儿”,你可知道?(林后6:18)