QT 30/07/2024 Tue. 2Cor 7. Do not give up pursuing God. 不要放弃追求上帝。

QT 30/07/2024 Tue. 2Cor 7. Do not give up pursuing God. 不要放弃追求上帝。

QT 30/07/2024 Tue. 2Cor 7. Do not give up pursuing God.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor7

The fear of God spurs our pursuit of holiness and purity (2Cor 7:1). What is the motivating factor for what you do today? Do you fear God?

(1) We do not want to keep our interviewers waiting in our job interviews. But do we keep God waiting for us when we worship Him? He was there in the worship service. But were you late or even absent?

(2) Some of us might blame God for not answering our prayers immediately. But do we keep God waiting in our delay to do His clear and revealed will?

(3) Others blame Him for not giving us the best of this or that. But do we leave the scrap of whatever is left of our resources, the part that nobody wants, and "dedicate" it to God?

Paul had the Corinthians in his heart as comrades, even in death (2Cor 7:3). But they rejected Paul. That, in a nutshell, was how God's people had treated God's representative throughout history, be it Moses or Jesus.

All is not lost. As Paul wrote this part of the epistle, Titus arrives with good news (2Cor 7:6, 13). The Corinthians have received the instruction obediently, receiving Titus "with fear and trembling" (2Cor 7:15).

APPLICATION: Do not give up on any of God's children, however hopeless the situation might have become. Be hopeful that the child of God that is alive would be transformed one day, to fear God and worship Him together one day.

星期二 2024年7月30日 今日读经:哥林多后书7章. 不要放弃追求上帝。


(1) 我们不想在应征工作时一直让面试官等着我们。可是我们在敬拜神的时候,是否也一直让祂等我们?祂早已在聚会中。但你却迟到了甚至是没到!

(2) 我们有些人或许会怪神没有马上应允我们的祷告。但我们在行祂那清楚揭示给我们的旨意时,是否一再拖延让神久等呢?

(3) 其他人怪祂不给我们最好的这个或那个。但我们是否把用剩的资源、那无人问津的那份,“奉献”给神呢?


