QT 30/09/2024 Mon. Colossians 4. Master of masters. 主人的主人.
QT 30/09/2024 Mon. Colossians 4. Master of masters.
Paul addressed the husband (3:19), father (3:21), and now here, masters. These are “head of the household.” Paul was concerned with Christian kindness and the regard of others rather than self. Nowadays, many start with benefit to self as the basis for analysis.
But here Paul called on the masters to provide what is right and fair for their slaves. What was revolutionary here was that Paul could be in fact calling for "equality" between masters and slaves, in the sense of giving them what was “due” them. Masters are to treat their slaves fairly because they know that that also have a Master in heaven.
What is the basis for this? Slaves and masters ultimately serve the same Lord, and that fundamental spiritual reality not only adjusted their earthly relationship but would "silently in the Roman world" even sets the stage for its eventual abolishment.
In addition, Paul provided guidance for orderliness in Christian life and in the church activities.
(1) The correct posture in prayer helps: There is to be devotion of energy and time to it, and being watchful instead of being sleepy about it (Col 4:2).
(2) Wisdom in interaction with others. Have graceful and seasoned-with-salt conversations with everyone (Col 4:6).
REFLECTION: What is the tone of your voice when you yell at your children or yak at your spouse, or close relatives?
(3) The closing verses (Col 4:7-18) display a small but wonderful community that existed in that part of Asia. The greetings, commendations, exhortations, prayer support, reconciliation, hard work, unity, perseverance, submission to leaders, obedience to instructions and humility are gems that we dream can increase in our midst.
REFLECTION: Are you willing to contribute to it in our own context today?
星期一 2024年9月30日 今日读经:歌罗西书4章
保罗提到了丈夫(3:19)、父亲(3:21),现在又提到了主人。这些都是 “一家之主”。保罗关注的是基督徒的仁慈和对他人而非对自己的尊重。如今,许多人都以对自己有利作为分析的基础。
但在这里,保罗呼吁主人为他们的奴隶提供正确和公平的对待。这里的革命性之处在于,保罗实际上是在呼吁主人与奴隶之间的 “平等”,即给予他们 “应得 ”的东西。主人应该公平地对待他们的奴隶,因为他们知道地上的主人在天上也有一个更高的主人。
这样做的依据是什么?奴隶和主人最终事奉的是同一位主,这一基本的精神现实不仅调整了他们在地上的关系,而且将 “在罗马世界悄无声息”,甚至为最终废除这种奴隶制度铺路及预备先决的条件。
(1) 正确的祷告姿态是很好的指引:必须投入精力和时间在此,要警醒而不是在那打瞌睡(歌4:2)。
(2) 与他人互动的智慧。说话要温和,好像是用盐调和的,知道应当怎样回答各人(歌4:6)。
(3) 结束的经文(歌4:7-18)显示了一个虽小却很棒的群体,存在于亚细亚的那个地方。那问候、嘉许、嘱咐、祷告、复合、辛劳、合一、坚持、对领导的顺服、听从指示和谦卑都是我们渴望能够在我们当中增加的。