QT 30/10/2024 Wed. Philemon 1. Demonstration of Doctrine of Substitution. 替代学说的论证.

QT 30/10/2024 Wed. Philemon 1. Demonstration of Doctrine of Substitution. 替代学说的论证.

QT 30/10/2024 Wed. Philemon 1.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/phm1

Paul’s letter to Philemon was written around AD 60 during his imprisonment in Rome.

(1) Obedience to God: Philemon was Paul’s friend and legal owner of the slave Onesimus. In this letter, Paul appealed for Onesimus. Paul asked Philemon not to punish Onesimus but to forgive and to restore him as a new Christian brother.

REFLECTION: What kind of obedience is Paul referring to? It's the obedience to love as Christ loved. Are we obedient to the love of Christ? Can we forgive and accept those who hurt us? Can we do even more than that?

(2) Unity in Christ: Paul (a Jew) calling Philemon (a wealthy Gentile), a dear friend and fellow worker. This is not a common address then. Paul even considers Onesimus (a slave) as his son (v.10). Paul urges Philemon to welcome Onesimus as a partner (v.17). We see three people of different status united in Christ’s love.

REFLECTION: The Love of Christ unites all people. Are you able or prepared to love people of other nationalities and ethnic groups?

(3) Tactfulness in sensitive situations: Paul has the authority as an apostle to tell Philemon what to do. Yet Paul chooses to appeal to his friend in Christian love rather than to order him around (vv. 8-10).

APPLICATION: Exhibit love to those who take orders from you by first respecting this relationship with them tactfully, just like Christ respects our relationship with Him.

(4) Sacrifice as Christ sacrificed for Us. Paul is willing to take responsibility & pay back all the wrong of Onesimus just like Christ took all our iniquities and died for us—not to mention we owe Him our very self. (v17-19)

REFLECTION: Are there young believers in church on whom you need to demonstrate self-sacrifice?

APPLICATION: Be grateful when you can invest in the lives of others, helping them with Bible study, prayer, encouragement, support and friendship.

星期三 2024年10月30日 今日读经:腓利门书. 替代学说的论证.


(1) 顺服神:腓利门是保罗的朋友也是奴隶欧尼西慕的合法主人。在这封信里,保罗为欧尼西慕求情。保罗求腓利门不要处罚欧尼西慕而是要饶恕他并以主内弟兄的身份重新接纳他。


(2) 在基督里的合一:保罗(一个犹太人)称腓利门(一个富裕的外族人)为所爱的朋友和同工。这在当时来说是不常见的称呼。保罗甚至把欧尼西慕(一个奴隶)视为自己的儿子(第10节)。保罗劝腓利门接纳欧尼西慕为同伴(第17节)。我们看到三个不同身份的人在基督的爱里合一。


(3) 有智慧地处理敏感关系:保罗身为使徒,他有权柄吩咐腓利门做应当做的事。可是保罗却选择凭着爱心请求他的朋友,而不是对他呼呼呵呵(第8-10节)。


(4) 准备好自我牺牲就如同基督为我们牺牲一样。保罗愿意为欧尼西慕负责并偿还他所犯的一切错误,就如基督背负了我们所有的罪并为我们而死一样。用不着说,我们的生命也是欠祂的(第17-19节)。

