QT 31/07/2024 Wed. 2Cor 8. Loving enough to give. 足够给予的爱.
QT 31/07/2024 Wed. 2Cor 8. Loving enough to give.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor8
Paul was proud of the Corinthians because of their initial act of showing the desire to give "a year ago" (2Cor 8:10,24).
He was asking them to follow through with their "act of grace" (2Cor 8:6) and gave them various reasons for it:-
(1) The Corinthians did "excel in everything" already and should therefore also excel in giving (2Cor 8:7).
(2) Those who were at that time in "extreme poverty", the Macedonian churches, were already giving (2Cor 8:2-3). What more you rich Corinthians?
(3) It proves that their love "is genuine" (2Cor 8:8).
(4) Jesus himself "became poor" through self-sacrifice (2Cor 8:9).
(5) They might be in need themselves one day (2Cor 8:14).
(6) Only then will there be equality among the people of God (2Cor 8:15, Exod. 16:18).
REFLECTION: "Giving" allows you to participate in something that is BIGGER than "you" and BEYOND "yourselves". Are you willing to participate? Do you ever "budget" some money for showing generosity to God's people that are less well off?
APPLICATION: The gospel message is supported not only by fervent preaching and presentations. There is also the administration and finance that support the whole thing. Let us be diligent in the preaching of the gospel and also diligent/generous in the contributing of various kinds of resources (including finance) to make this preaching possible.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What model of stewardship and finance is sustainable in the LONG TERM? Are you willing to submit yourself to that model if needed?
星期三 2024年7月31日 今日读经:哥林多后书8章. 足够以给予的爱.
(1) 哥林多人已在“这一切事上富足”,所以在慈善的事也要显示他们的富足(林后8:7)。
(2) 那些在当时经历“极度的贫乏”的,马其顿的众教会已开始了慈善的事(林后8:2-3)。更何况是那些富有的哥林多人?
(3) 这证明他们的爱心是“真实”的(林后8:8)。
(4) 耶稣他自我牺牲使自己“成为贫穷”(林后8:9)。
(5) 他们或许有一天需要别人补助他们的贫乏(林后8:14)。
(6) 只有这样神的子民中才会有平等(林后8:15, 出16:18)。