QT 31/12/2024 Tue. Blind Not To The New Things for 2025 不要对 2025 年的新事物视而不见
QT 31/12/2024 Tue. Blind Not To The New Things for 2025
READ http://www.esvbible.org/isa43:19-21
Isaiah 43:19–21
[19] Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
[20] The wild beasts will honor me,
the jackals and the ostriches,
for I give water in the wilderness,
rivers in the desert,
to give drink to my chosen people,
[21] the people whom I formed for myself
that they might declare my praise. (ESV)
Do you see new things for 2025? I mentioned last Saturday that we have the ability to sythesize fragments of the world and make a choice of what to see—in particular, the wonderful works that God is doing in this chaotic and puzzling world. With faith, prophet Isaiah looked towards the new thing, the new work God was doing in their midst.
In the past, the prophet had quickened them to recognise the judgment that was coming quickly so as to avoid it. He now exhorts them to be sensitive to God's new works for their future. In their past history, God had turned the sea into dry land more than once. Now God would do the reverse, turning desert roads into waterways (See Isaiah 35:6–7).
Even wild beasts, the jackals, ostriches would recognise this and honour God for "water in the wilderness" to drink and "rivers in the desert" for His people. The main thrust of the message is that God is the Master of the wilderness, desert, rivers, all of creation and thereby, Master over "the people whom I formed for myself" (43:21) too.
As Master of the universe, The LORD can do exactly what He has willed, dry-wet reversals, or anything for that matter, including turning your lives around for 2025. Verse 43:21 ends with something that humans can do which the jackals and ostriches could not–choosing to "declare my praise", to worship and praise God by a choice of the mind.
You have the ability and power to see, contemplate, synthesize and respond to the new things that God would do in 2025 and beyond. God is not done with His church, His people, His mission in the world today yet. Would you respond and make a commitment not to be blind, but to see, "Behold, I am doing a new thing"?
Would you share God's goodness and new things to a world that had lost the capacity and ability to recognise Him and His works?
QT 31/12/2024 星期二. 不要对 2025 年的新事物视而不见
以赛亚书 43:19-21 “看哪!我要作一件新的事;现在它要发生了,难道你们还不知道吗?我要在旷野开一条道路,在荒地开挖江河。20 野地的走兽必尊重我,野狗和鸵鸟也必这样,因为我使旷野有水,使荒地有江河,好使我拣选的子民有水喝,21 就是我为自己所造的子民,好使他们述说赞美我的话。
你能看到 2025 年的新事物吗?我在上周六提到,我们有能力将世界的碎片化拼在一起,并选择看到什么--尤其是上帝在这个混乱而令人费解的世界上所做的奇妙工作。先知以赛亚带着信心,期待着新的事物,期待着上帝在他们中间所做的新工作。
过去,先知曾使他们迅速认识到即将到来的审判,从而避免它的发生。现在,他劝告他们要对上帝为他们未来所做的新工作保持敏感。在他们过去的历史中,上帝曾不止一次地将大海变成干地。现在,上帝将反其道而行之,把沙漠之路变成水路(见以赛亚书 35:6-7)。
就连野兽和鸵鸟也会认识到这一点,并向上帝表示敬意,因为 “旷野中的水 ”可以饮用,“沙漠中的河流 ”可以供祂的子民使用。这段话的主旨是,上帝是旷野、沙漠、河流和所有被造物的主宰,因此也是 “我为自己所造的之民”(43:21)的主宰。
作为宇宙的主宰,耶和华可以完全按照自己的旨意行事,无论是干湿逆转,还是任何事情,包括为 2025 年扭转你们的生活。第 43:21 节最后提到了人类能够做到而豺狼和鸵鸟做不到的事情--选择 “述说赞美我的话”,通过心灵的选择来敬拜和赞美上帝。
你们有能力、有能力看到、思考、综合并回应神要在 2025 年及以后做的新事。上帝对祂的教会、祂的子民、祂在当今世界的使命还没有完成。你是否愿意做出回应,承诺不再盲目,而是看到 “看哪,我正在做一件新事”?