QT: A missing piece in my Lego? Nehemiah3:13–32 Week 27: 29/06/2023. Thu

Sometime ago, a brother heard that I have intentional anti-dementia exercises of all kinds in my schedule and gifted me with one of the most complex Lego sets in the market. I took my leisurely time to work at the set. However, I got stuck at about 60% of the way because I could not find one required piece, probably lost somewhere in the house.
Up to today, I couldn't proceed without that piece. Reading from Nehemiah 3:13 to the end of the chapter, it reminded me of this missing piece of building block—every resident of Jerusalem must participate faithfully in order that the wall can be rebuilt and be secure. Any single point of weakness or failure might just be that place where the enemies of the city might enter easily.
All contributions are vital, yet not identical. Differences in physique, upbringing, mental inclination might result in different quantity and type of work assigned to Nehemiah's generation. More importantly, God is free to assign these roles to different people. While people are different, God can overcome this difference. He Himself is Trinity, and has much practical experience working this out.
You all in the church can't possibly agree on everything. That's why you must allow for some room in any project when not all are 100% done according to your own idea. It is NOT my way or the highway. The leaders of Tekoite refused to participate (3:5)—one part missing already.
But for the rest who seeks to co-operate with God as prompted by the Holy Spirit working within His people, they would experience that God's purposes would not fail, that God is still able to complete His projects through the efforts of those who work in sync with Him. For that crucial missing piece that refused to come, not an ideal situation, we can only ask God to plug that gap/piece for His glory and purpose.
Don't be that missing piece. Step forward and serve in the 2nd half of 2023!