QT: *Addiction & Choice* Romans 7:15 Week 38: 14/09/2023. Thu
Addiction & Choice
Week 38: 14/09/2023. Thu
Romans 7:15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. (ESV)
Having fleshy desires is part of being human, bearing in mind that the physical flesh and desires accompanying them were also made by God. However, desires designed by God have (1) direction, (2) boundary and (3) purposes set by God.
Desires abused might end up in an addiction of one kind or another. Addiction is "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma" (Webster). Meltdowns are not exclusive to young children!
Trauma or tantrum, bouts of anger or eerie silence—these fall into the same category. These impact families and fellowships tremendously. Addictions reorganise priorities in life into their wrong "priority slots".
The infant's diaper needs changing 3 hours ago. An addiction by the adult would prevent this from being done because that addiction (of whatever kind) took the wrong priority.
The person is sitting in front of you at a designated time/place for human interaction and meal. But you know the body is there, however the spirit is elsewhere associated with getting to the addiction as fast as possible after this meal event is "checked".
REFLECTION: Are we addicted to something? What would cause our own meltdowns and "tantrums"? Paul was brave enough to admit a discrepancy between behaviour and desire. Are we?