QT: One Father Malachi 2:10 Week 40: 27/09/2023. Wed
One Father
Week 40: 27/09/2023. Wed
"Father" implies a two-way relationship.
Malachi 2:10 Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers? (ESV)
Firstly, God is "Father" because He has "created" us. "Create" translates "bara", which was used in Genesis 1:1–where God created the heavens and the earth. Being a "father" carried with it duties to care for and sustain whatever/whoever created.
Application: We find rest and comfort in the care and concern of God the Father. Since He had the blue print, conceived the blue print of all that there is, He does know what He is doing, and what it takes.
Secondly, since God is "Father", the sons and daughters of His are under His authority. This relationship is not only due to God being the creator, but also because the sons and daughters covenanted with the Father to agree to be His children, agree to accept Him as LORD and Saviour, agree to live out life as per the Great Commission.
While we had no choice in being created, we had the choice to agree to come into a relationship with Him. Having done so, His people should not fear for the future, but live as God wished–towards God, and towards other human beings, especially towards others who are also children of God.