QT: The Cage Test Proverbs23:35 Week 40: 26/09/2023. Tue

The Cage Test
Week 40: 26/09/2023. Tue
Proverbs pointed to the person who has a "woe", "sorrow", "strife" and "complaining"—the alcohol abuser. Journeying in a community requires us to look out for one another, before any serious problems arise.
Proverbs 23:35 [35] “They struck me,” you will say, “but I was not hurt; they beat me, but I did not feel it. When shall I awake? I must have another drink.” (ESV)
The CAGE test asks:
(C) Have you ever felt that you should CUT down on your drinking?
(A) Have you ever been ANNOYED when people commented on your drinking?
(G) Have you ever felt GUILTY or bad about your drinking?
(E) Have you ever used a substance first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or start the day (an EYE opener)? As the verse says, "When shall I awake? I must have another drink"!
Mature people usually get past the denial and attend to the possible abuse. Objective people look at themselves truthfully. Relatives of abusers, or the abusers themselves, do well to reflect on whether anyone is seeking identity and self-worth outside of self!
APPLICATION: There is always hope in God, in the community that He has provided, in the people of various skills that He raised to journey with us. There is no need to remain CAGED.