QT: Unchanging Is Still The Hype Malachi 3:6 Week 41: 05/10/2023. Thu

Unchanging Is Still The Hype
Week 41: 05/10/2023. Thu
"Just for a change" or "change is the only constant" might be occupying some parts of the thought world today. However, Malachi points to the LORD's unchanging nature as premium.
Malachi 3:6 “For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. (ESV)
Perhaps, the people attempted to pin the fault of their present predicament on the LORD changing His dispensation of justice (Malachi 2:7), or perhaps insinuating that the LORD's love had somehow changed (Malachi 1:2–5).
However, Malachi stated in no uncertain terms that the LORD do not change in His character or faithfulness to what He promised. To Malachi, the LORD had not changed in the past, nor during Malachi's time. We today might add—not even today!
In fact, it was the LORD's unchanging love that Israel continued to exist and was not "consumed". Today, worshippers do well to remember that the continuity of their spiritual lives point to the love of God to sustain His people as well as the purification methods which He had provided throughout history.