QT: Value families Nehemiah 5:1–5 Week 29: 11/07/2023. Tue

God values, blesses and act through His beloved families.
Nehemiah 5:5 Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brothers, our children are as their children. Yet we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but it is not in our power to help it, for other men have our fields and our vineyards.” (ESV)
Nehemiah find partial success in rebuilding the wall that protect all families. But the debtor/creditor and mortgagor/mortgagee systems in existence then resulted in brothers and sisters being "enslaved" in one way or another.
While banking rules also apply today, readers are reminded that Nehemiah acted out of fear and reverence for God (Nehemiah 5:9,15) stopped the oppressive mortgage interest from throwing fellow "family" (fellow Israelites) members into "enslavement" of one kind or another.
Land division and land laws are different today. But the value of valuing family members and cherishing others who have accepted redemption provided by the LORD continues.
When it is within your power to bless others and arrange for economic equality and sharing of God's wonderful resources, we are encouraged to extend that extra whatever to others, or waive that whatever owed by others that can be waived, for the celebration of the family relationship in Christ.