QT 25/09/2024 Wed. Ezekiel 29. Centre of the Universe? 宇宙的中心?

QT 25/09/2024 Wed. Ezekiel 29. Centre of the Universe? 宇宙的中心?

QT 25/09/2024 Wed. Ezekiel 29. Centre of the Universe?

MEDITATION: Economic prowess led to pride (Ezek 28). So did military powers of ancient Egypt (Ezek 29). Ezekiel's message kept on harping at the sin of pride, because it was a fundamental sin that led to many other sins, even today.

The LORD was the creator of the heavens and the earth, including the Nile River of Egyptian. When Pharaoh king of Egypt declared that "My Nile is my own; I made it for myself" (Ezek 29:3,9), he manifested his own pride by making himself the creator and the purpose for which the earth (and the Nile) existed.

REFLECTION: Do we frequently position ourselves as if we were at the centre of the Universe, where the stars, sun, organisations and system revolve around us to do our bidding? Or is the LORD the centre by which we do our planning, e.g. timetabling and budget?

Both the Pharaoh of Egypt and Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, served the LORD's purpose and not vice versa.

APPLICATION: Frequently, even the things that happen in our lives today, remind us to subdue our pride and to submit it to the LORD, "Then they will know that I am the LORD". If this applied to the the great kings of the Ancient Near East, why not let the LORD be the king of our lives, even today?

星期三 2024年9月25日 今日读经:以西结书29章。宇宙的中心?




