QT 02/10/2024 Wed. 1Thessalonians 2. Mutuality required for blossoming ties. 美好的关系需要互相扶持。
QT 02/10/2024 Wed. 1Thessalonians 2.
The warm words Paul has for the Thessalonians are a stark contrast when compared with the word he used in First Corinthians. How did this two-way relationship of mutual respect, encouragement and partnership with the Thessalonians bloom?
On the part of the apostle and missionary:-
(1) Paul preached the gospel to them in spite of sufferings and humiliation (1Th 2:2);
(2) Paul did not use dubious doctrine, trickery (1Th 2:3) or flattery (1Th 2:5). If used, this would have destroyed his creditworthiness among the Thessalonians;
(3) Paul's calling was from God and therefore viewed everything from the view of whether or not God was pleased with it (1Th 2:4). Paul only looked for praise from God (1Th 2:6);
(4) Paul worked hard among them without burdening them, even though he had the right of support from them (1Th 2:6, 9);
(5) Paul and his co-workers were models for holiness, righteousness and blamelessness (1Th 2:10).
On the part of the Thessalonians :-
(6) They accepted humbly with a teachable heart the apostle Paul's word as from God, making it easier for Paul to nurture them (1Th 2:13);
(7) They adopted the lifestyle of sacrifice and suffering (1Th 2:14) in the same way as those from Judea, people who were longer in the faith than the Thessalonians!
(8) Their conduct and lifestyle encouraged Paul very much, such that Paul considered their spiritual progress as "our hope or joy or crown of boasting" (1Th 2:20).
REFLECTION: We might take on many of the above roles during various phases in our lives. Can the same be said of you—that indeed, "You are our glory and joy"? (1Th 2:20)
星期三 2024年10月2日 帖撒罗尼迦前书2章。美好的关系需要互相扶持。
(1) 保罗虽然受了苦,又被凌辱,仍然述说神的福音(帖前2:2);
(2) 保罗用的不是错谬的教义、诡诈(帖前2:3)或奉承的话(帖前2:5)。若这些被使用,这必会破坏他在帖撒罗尼迦人面前的信誉;
(3) 保罗的呼召是来自神,所以一切事物的观点乃是从神喜不喜悦的观点来看(帖前2:4)。保罗只向神求取荣誉(帖前2:6);
(4) 保罗在他们中间很努力,尽量不去给他们负担,尽管他有权要求他们的支援(帖前2:6,9)。
(5) 保罗和他的同工都是圣洁、公义和无可指摘的典范(帖前2:10)。
(6) 他们以一颗受教的心,虚心地接受使徒保罗的话如同接受神的话,让保罗更容易地栽培他们(帖前2:13);
(7) 他们采用了牺牲和受苦的生活方式(帖前2:14),如那些在犹大的人一样,这些人的信仰比帖撒罗尼迦人的更久!
(8) 他们的行为和生活方式大大地鼓励和保罗,以致保罗认为他们的灵命成长是“我们的荣耀,我们的喜乐”(帖前2:20)。