QT 10/10/2024 Thu. 2Thessalonians 3. Distinctly Different. 与众不同。

QT 10/10/2024 Thu. 2Thessalonians 3. Distinctly Different. 与众不同。

QT 10/10/2024 Thu. 2Thessalonians 3

The gospel is available to ALL who hear and accept. It is all ENCOMPASSING. But the formation of a God honouring community is another matter. It is separate in mindset and heart from the world. It requires a simultaneous DISTINCTIVENESS between God's people who live DIFFERENTLY from the world.

Basically, in 2Th 3:1-18, Paul touches on the DISTINCTIVENESS that divides.

(1) God's people must focus on spreading the message of the Lord rapidly (2Th 3:1);

(2) God's people must not be wicked and evil (2Th 3:2);

(3) They must not IDLE (2Th 3:6);

(4) They must not DEVIATE from the teachings of Paul and the apostles (2Th 3:6);

(5) They must not HITCH a free ride on food. Instead, they should work hard, "night and day" (2Th 3:8).

(6) The apostles had the right of SUPPORT from believers but also worked hard as "a MODEL for you to follow" (2Th 3:9).

(7) To the loafers, Paul says, "If a man will not work, he shall not eat" (2Th 3:10).

Today, there might be people who live on the principles of "sweet talk to gain friends" on social media; "Act cute and innocent to gain an approachable reputation"; "Let's not offend anybody"; "Be neutral"; "Be the PR man at all costs"; "Be friendly"; "Ratify everyone's actions to gain acceptance and popularity"?

However, Paul is courageous enough to talk straight and true–"We hear that some among you are IDLE. They are NOT BUSY; they are BUSYBODIES" (2Th 3:11).

The busybodies have time on hand. As some say, "An IDLE MIND is the devil's workshop." With that spare time, they poke and interfere in others' matters without the need, expertise, skill, spiritual gift nor position to do so.

Paul urges them "to settle down and earn the bread they eat" (2Th 3:12). For those who disobey, Paul says "take special NOTE of him" (2Th 3:14) and "Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed" (2Th 3:14).

The limit to such reactions is this, "Yet DO NOT regard him as an ENEMY, but warn him as a BROTHER" (2Th 3:15). Be more than a mere "user-friendly church".

REFLECTION (2): Are you aiming towards mere "friendliness" as the power behind your ministries? Or are you following Paul and those who imitate him? "For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example" (2Th 3:7).

星期四 2024年10月10日 帖撒罗尼迦后书3章。与众不同。


基本上,在帖后 3:1-18 中,保罗提到了这种区分。

(1)神的子民必须集中精力迅速传播主的信息(帖后 3:1);

(2) 神的子民不可做"无理之恶人"(帖后 3:2);

(3) 不可懒惰(帖后 3:6);

(4) 不可背离保罗和使徒们的教导(帖后 3:6);

(5) 他们不能白吃人的饭。倒要“辛苦劳碌,昼夜作工”(帖后 3:8)。

(6) 使徒有权得到信徒的支持,但也要努力工作,“叫你们效法我们”的榜样(帖后 3:9)。

(7) 保罗对游手好闲的人说:“若有人不肯作工,就不可吃饭”(帖后 3:10)。

今天,可能有人在社交媒体上奉行 “甜言蜜语赢得朋友 ”的原则;“表现得天真可爱,赢得平易近人的名声”;“我们不要得罪任何人”;“保持中立”;“不惜一切代价成为公关”;“要友好”;“批准每个人的行为,以获得认可和欢迎”?

然而,保罗有足够的勇气直言不讳:"因我们听说,在你们中间有人不按规矩而行,什么工都不作,反倒专管闲事。"(帖后 3:11)。


保罗敦促他们 “要安静作工,吃自己的饭”(帖后 3:12)。对于那些不听话的人,保罗说 “要记下他,不和他交往”(帖后 3:14)。对这种反应的限制是不要把他当作敌人,要像兄弟一样警告他(帖后 3:15)。要成为超越 “用户友好型教会”。

反思 (2): 你的目标仅仅是把 “友好 ”作为你事工背后的力量吗?还是在效法保罗和效法他的人呢?“你们自己原知道应当怎样效法我们"(帖后 3:7)。