QT 12/08/2024 Mon. Galatians 3. True son-ship of Abraham. 真正的亚伯拉罕之子.

QT 12/08/2024 Mon. Galatians 3. True son-ship of Abraham. 真正的亚伯拉罕之子.

QT 12/08/2024 Mon. Galatians 3. True son-ship of Abraham.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/gal3

The epistle to Galatians (along with Romans) inspired the Protestant Reformation and commonly referred to as (Martin) Luther’s book.

Here, Paul exploded into a passionate defence of the Christian perspective of the laws of Abraham and Moses. It shows that all of these figures of faith were meant to point people to faith in Christ (Gal 3:6-14).

The Galatians' erred in thinking that if they doggedly follow the letter of the law, they would come into a relationship with God and grow in it too. More painfully for Paul, they used these deeds to exclude the Gentiles from coming into God's spiritual family because the Gentiles did not go through circumcision and the "works of the law" (Gal 3:3,5,10).

The Galatian church had become so obsessed with being the sons of Abraham (by physical lineage and descent) that they used the law as proof of this son-ship. Paul agreed with the concept of son-ship, but one through "faith in Christ Jesus" and not circumcision.

One key expression of this son-ship is that it calls everyone, no matter their race or nationality, occupation or social status, or gender, into becoming “one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:29).

The Galatians misunderstood Abraham which they claimed they followed. Citing Genesis 15:6, Paul reminded them that Abraham "believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness" (Gal 3:6). In a sense, Abraham was initially a "Gentile" from Mesopotamia! Isn't it futile then, to push for legalism (of the Galatian kind), for relationship and growth in Christ?

APPLICATION: We see legalism of many kinds around us today. Avoid them. On the other hand, let there be "hearing with faith" (Gal 3:5) the teachings from Paul.

星期一 2024年8月12日 今日读经:加拉太书3章. 真正的亚伯拉罕之子.



加拉太人错误地以为他们要是专心致志地遵守律法,他们就能够与神建立关系并有所长进。更让保罗痛心的是,他们用这些行为来阻止外邦人进入上帝的属灵家庭,因为外邦人没有接受割礼和“行律法”。(加3: 3,5,10)



加拉太人误解了他们宣称自己所跟随的亚伯拉罕。引述创世纪15:6,保罗提醒他们,亚伯拉罕“信 神,这就算为他的义”(加3:6)。照理说,亚伯拉罕原本是美索不达米亚的“外族人”!那么,硬要人们遵守律法(加拉太人认为的律法),对建立关系和在主里的长进,难道就有用吗?
