QT 16/09/2024 Mon. Philippians 4. The Profile of Unity. 合一的概况。
QT 16/09/2024 Mon. Philippians 4. The Profile of Unity.
Disunity might arise between groups with different ethics (holiness versus sin). Even among sinners, disunity can occur (disagreement on how to divide the loot). How about among those who profess to serve and worship the one true God? No stretch of the imagination is required—disunity frequently occur:
(1) Disagreements of WHEN to do both "right" things in ministry (do we want a full SATB [Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass] choir or do we want a "worship team"?);
(2) Different orders in expressing God's full character: alternating between "righteousness" and "mercy" (when you want to show "mercy", others shout "holiness" or "justice". And when others prefer mercy to be extended for now, you had to insist on discipline and holiness);
(3) Different emphasis or weightage given to the various areas of Biblical commandments given to believers (you want to do mission outreach to the migrants first, while others see the needs of the silver generation as urgently requiring priority).
The over-riding concern should be that since the God whom we serve is Three Persons yet One God, His followers should do ministry and co-operate in such a way that reflects WHO He is—many yet one.
In Philippians 4, Paul attempted to restore unity by entreating two women to agree with one another—Euodia and Syntyche (Phi 4:2). He enlisted the help of the others (Phi 4:3). As believers in a church, we are also the image of God corporately. Just as God is one, so should the heart beat of the church.
REFLECTION: You won't prefer to have one body but two hearts, do you? Go. Seek reconciliation. "Agree in the Lord" (Phi 4:2).
WARNING: If we simmer in disunity day after day, our spirits would be numbed. We would not be sensitive enough nor be able to FEEL or SEE others around us. In such a case, it would be more and more DIFFICULT for your "reasonableness be known to everyone" (Phi 4:5).
In spite of challenges, Paul rejoiced and gave thanks for the Philippian church - for their gifts when others did not give (Phi 4:15) and their "partnership in the gospel" (Phi 1:5) from day one.
APPLICATION: Strive to achieve unity for Christ's sake in the church. Remember and appreciate the contribution of others, especially when they have given sacrificially. Give thanks to God.
星期一 2024年9月16日 今日读经:腓立比书4章. 合一的概况.
不同道德观(倾向圣洁或罪恶)的群体之间可能会产生不团结。即使在 “行恶的罪人” 之间,也会出现不团结的情况(在如何分配战利品上出现分歧)。那么,自称事奉和敬拜独一真神的人之间呢?不需要任何想象力—不合一经常发生:
(1) 对在事工中何时做两件 “正确 ”的事存在分歧(我们是要一个完整的 SATB(女高音、女低音、男高、低音)诗班,还是要一个 “敬拜小组”?)
(2) 在表达神完全的品格时有不同的顺序:在 “公义 ”和 “怜悯 ”之间交替(当你想表现 “怜悯 ”时,别人就会高呼 “圣洁 ”或 “公义”。而当别人喜欢暂时施以仁慈时,你却不得不坚持纪律和圣洁);
(3) 对《圣经》诫命中赋予信徒的不同领域给予不同的重视或权重(你想首先向移民传福音,而其他人则认为银发一代的需要急需优先考虑)。
在腓立比书第 4 章, 保罗劝友阿嫡,也劝循都基,尝试让她们在主里意念相同,恢复合一(腓4:2)。他也求同道帮助她们(腓4:3)。身为教会里的信徒,我们整个群体都是神的形象。就如神是一体的,教会的心跳也当如此。