QT 18/09/2024 Wed. Colossians 2. The complete and sufficient wisdom in Christ. 基督里完备充足的智慧.
QT 18/09/2024 Wed. Colossians 2. The complete and sufficient wisdom in Christ.
The Colossian church began well but was in danger of slipping back into former vices. Epaphras reported this danger to Paul, who was in prison. Paul wrote to remind the Colossians :-
To worship only Christ Jesus as Lord;
To recognise Christ Jesus as COMPLETE and SUFFICIENT, enough for their life and well-being. In Christ was "wisdom and knowledge" (Co 2:3), "fullness of the deity" (Col 2:9), "head of all rule and authority" (Col 2:10), and "substance" (Col 2:17), the true reality;
On the other hand, avoid "plausible arguments" (Col 2:4) that were actually unsound, avoid "philosophy and empty deceit" (Col 2:8), and avoid past trespasses (Col 2:13);
Avoid ADDITION of conditions that contradict salvation in Christ alone. The following should not override the broader reality of Christ: (i) Adherence to human tradition relating to "food and drink", and (ii) "a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath" (Col 2:16);
These perpetrators of heresy imposed a collection of principles on the Colossian believers compiled from the OT written code and partly from some mysterious pagan sources - including "worship of angels" (Col 2:18), "basic principles of this world" (Col 2:20), and rules that say "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!" (Col 2:21).
APPLICATION: Because these "do not"s "are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh" (Col 2:23), look to the supreme Christ for all your needs. Christ alone is sufficient.
星期三 2024年9月18日 今日读经:歌罗西书2章. 基督里完备充足的智慧.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=colossians 2&version=CUVS
(1) 只能敬拜主耶稣基督;
(2) 要认识到基督耶稣是完全的、是充充足足的,对他们的生命和一切都是足够的。在基督里面有“智慧和知识”(歌2:3)、“神本性的一切丰盛”(歌2:9),“一切执政掌权者的元首”(歌2:10),和“真体”(歌2:17),这是实实在在的事实;
(3) 另一方面,避开“似是而非的言论”(歌2:4)因这些是不理智的,避开“哲学和骗人的空谈”(歌2:8),并避开以前的过犯(歌2:13);
(4) 避开添加的条件,因这些与救恩只在基督里的真理是有冲突的。以下所提不应该盖过基督的真实性:(i)遵守人关于“食物和饮料的传统”和(ii)“节期、月朔、安息日”(歌2:16);
(5) 这些异端肇事者施加了歌罗西的信徒一套来自旧约断章取义的应用和一些奇怪的偶像源头的综合--这包括“敬拜天使”(歌2:18),“世俗的言论”(歌2:20),和“不可摸、不可尝、不可触”的规条(歌2:21)。