QT 18/10/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 36. Posturing? 装腔作势?

QT 18/10/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 36. Posturing? 装腔作势?

QT 18/10/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 36. Posturing?

MEDITATION: The LORD reminded the house of Israel through Ezekiel that the great work which the LORD was about to do was based on His own work instead of Israel's (Ezek 36:16).

For a people in despair, these acts brought much comfort. In fact, Ezek 36 displayed many of such God-initiated acts: "I will take you from the nations and gather you..." (Ezek 36:24), I will cleanse you (Ezek 36:25) and "I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you" (Ezek 36:26,27-31).

REFLECTIONS: After all these happenings (regardless of whether it was sin, punishment or restoration), Israel would have been prompted to conclude that "I am the LORD" (Ezek 36:11,38). So would the nations (Ezek 36:23,36). How about the events in your life nowadays?

APPLICATION: Abstain from self-righteous posturing. Acknowledge God's pivotal role in our sanctification. Do the right thing for the sake of God's name.

星期四 2024年10月18日 今日读经:以西结书36章. 装腔作势?



