QT 20/09/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 25. LORD over all nations. 万国之主。
QT 20/09/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 25. LORD over all nations.
MEDITATION: Ezekiel 24 closes with the death of his wife (Ezek 24:15-27). The LORD's pain was no less with the siege of Jerusalem (Ezek 24:1-14) and the dealing with His own sanctuary, "I will profane my sanctuary..." (Ezek 24:21).
But suddenly, the focus shifts to the nations (Ezek 24-32), the superpowers of Ezekiel's days as well as smaller nations, both far and near.
The primary purpose of setting out oracles against the nations, in this case the Ammonites and Moab, including those who are relationally or geographically nearer (Philistia, Seir and Edom) was to point the readers to Israel's God. This God is unlike other gods–all peoples are under the rule, dominion and moral analysis of Israel's God. The LORD is King of kings and Lord of lords.
While God had uniquely chosen Israel and her patriarchs (Abraham and the rest), all nations are still subject to the LORD, whether or not they acknowledge this or not. Prosperity or not, all this depends on the LORD, including this nation.
The secondary effect is to indirectly encourage Israel and those who submit to the reality of the lordship of the one True God—if God's rule included the nations, He is surely powerful enough to right the wrongs suffered by the readers, and punish the wrongs done by all even though not detected or not punished by human institutions.
APPLICATION: Believe in the LORD God of Israel, who is God of all nations. May His dealings with all humanity (be it with blessings or punishments) enable you to know Him deeper, "Then you will know that I am the LORD" (Ezek 25:5,7,11,14,17).
REFLECTION: If the LORD judges the nations, won't He also be able to right the wrong that was done to you? Be aware, however, that His "sword" cut both ways, regardless of whether it was Israel, Ammon, Moab, Seir, Edom or Philistia.
星期五 2024年9月20日 今日读经:以西结书25章。万国之主。
反思:如果耶和华向列国实施审判,祂也能够帮你伸冤。然而,要当心,因为祂的“剑”是双刃的, 无论你是以色列、亚扪、摩押、西珥、以东或非利士。