QT 23/10/2024 Wed. 2Timothy 2. Teacher, Soldier, Athlete, Farmer. 教师、士兵、运动员、农夫。

QT 23/10/2024 Wed. 2Timothy 2. Teacher, Soldier, Athlete, Farmer. 教师、士兵、运动员、农夫。

QT 23/10/2024 Wed. 2Timothy 2. Teacher, Soldier, Athlete, Farmer.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2tim2

[2Tim 2:1-2] As a TEACHER, Timothy is to pass on Paul's teaching. Timothy is NOT free to improvise, expand nor change the apostle's teachings. He is to find reliable men and entrust Paul's words to them. They, in turn, should also be those who are qualified to teach others.

[2Tim 2:3-4] As a SOLDIER, Timothy is to concentrate on the mission assigned to him by his commanders, those who enlisted him. In Timothy's case, his mission refers to focusing on the commands of Jesus Christ and not get side-tracked. This necessarily involves hardship and opposition, i.e., enemies.

[2Tim 2:5] As an ATHLETE, Timothy is not free to do things in his own way. There are rules and restrictions placed on an athlete—self-discipline. The athlete must also focus and subject his own body to rigorous training. Even more so as a Christian serving Jesus Christ.

[2Tim 2:6] As a FARMER who works hard, the expected return is enjoying a share of the crops first. His hard working servants God will reward in His own way and in His own time.

Paul then exhorts them, not to be involved in foolish and stupid quarreling about words (2Tim 2:14, 23-24) and avoid irreverent babble and preventing more ungodliness (2Tim 2:16). Timothy is to gently instruct even those who oppose him (2Tim 2:25), being hopeful that people will grow in maturity.

REFLECTION: Are you a good teacher, soldier, athlete and farmer in God's kingdom mission? Can you recall what others have applauded in your efforts and described them as "good"?

星期三 2024年10月23日 今日读经:提摩太后书2章。教师、士兵、运动员、农夫。

[提后2:1-2] 作为一名教师,提摩太要传授保罗的教导。提摩太不能随意发挥、扩展或修改使徒的教导。他要找到可靠的人,把保罗的话托付给他们。反过来,他们也应该是有资格教导别人的人。

[提后2:3-4] 作为一名士兵,提摩太要听从指挥官(即招募他的人)指派给他的任务。对提摩太来说,他的任务是专注于执行耶稣基督的命令,不要偏离正轨。这必然涉及很多困难和反对,即他的敌人。

[提后2:5] 作为一名运动员,提摩太不能随心所欲地做事。运动员必须遵守规则和限制——自律。运动员还必须集中精力,让自己的身体接受严格的训练。作为一名侍奉耶稣基督的基督徒,更需如此。

[提2:6] 作为一名辛勤劳作的农夫,期盼的回报是首先能享受收成。上帝会以祂的方式和时间来奖励祂辛勤工作的仆人。


反思:就神的国度与使命而论,你是一名好教师、好军人、好运动员和好农夫吗? 你能回想起别人对你的哪些努力表示欣赏并赞之为 “好 ”吗?