QT 24/07/2024 Wed. 2Cor 2. Persevering Shepherding 忍耐的牧养

QT 24/07/2024 Wed. 2Cor 2. Persevering Shepherding 忍耐的牧养

QT 24/07/2024 Wed. 2Cor 2
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor2

Reading 2Cor 2:1-4, we sense Paul's distress as he shepherded a difficult church.

REFLECTION: Do we give up easily those who are more difficult to minister to?

From the incident in 2Cor 2:5-11, we learn from Paul:-

Discipline within church always requires tact and sensitivity because it is, nearly always, very painful. It involves "punishment by the majority" (2Cor 2:6).

Mercy and justice must be simultaneously displayed. Paul did not name and shame the person in the epistle even though he did so on many other occasions for other matters. It is not a matter of transparency or not. Silence might be mercy extended to the truly repentant!

Forgiveness for the sinner (2Cor 2:7,10-11) is necessary after his "punishment" (2Cor 2:6) and repentance. This repentance should be evidenced by "sorrow" for his own sins (2Cor 2:7), not merely teardrops flowing out of the eyes for no reason.

As true repentance existed, the Corinthians should allow that repentant sinner to reconnect with the community. This is to avoid being "outwitted by Satan" (2Cor 2:11), who schemes hard to hinder the process of true repentance, forgiveness and restoration.

REFLECTION on item 2 above: Silence can be due to the extending mercy. Don't take silence for granted—it might actually be MERCY in operation in the church by "men of sincerity, as commissioned by God" (2Cor 2:17).

星期三 2024年7月24日 今日读经:哥林多后书2章. 忍耐的牧养.

当我们阅读林后2:1-4时, 我们可以感受到保罗的烦恼,因为他在牧养一间很难牧养的教会。



教会里的管教总是需要一些机智和敏锐,因为这往往都是非常扎心的,当中涉及了“许多人的责备”(林后 2:6)。



