QT 28/10/2024 Mon. Titus 2. Teaching & Modeling. 教导及示范。

QT 28/10/2024 Mon. Titus 2. Teaching & Modeling.  教导及示范。

QT 28/10/2024 Mon. Titus 2. Teaching & Modeling.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/tit2

It is difficult to have God pleasing practice and behaviour without intention to live closely according to God's Word. Dubious practices/behaviours are likely to have arisen from dubious doctrine and not from "sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1).

To older men, Paul exhorts Titus to teach sound doctrine and proper life conduct (Tit 2:2). To older women, Titus is instructed to teach proper and appropriate lifestyles (Titus 2:3-4). To young men, Titus is to exhort the young men to be self-controlled (Tit 2:6). To slaves, Titus is to teach them subjection and submission in the hope of winning trust and making the "doctrine of God our Saviour" attractive (Tit 2:10).

Titus is to be a good model to them (Tit 2:7), characterised by (among other things) teaching with "integrity, dignity and sound speech that cannot be condemned" (Tit 2:8). When necessary, Titus is to "exhort and rebuke with all authority" (Tit 2:15).

Preempting possible rejections of the message of Titus and Paul, Paul exhorts Titus "Let no one disregard you" (Tit 2:15). This prepares Titus to deal with those who treat their gospel message and teachings as trash.

REFLECTION: Are we diligent in teaching and modeling sound doctrine to those who learn or under-study us?

星期一 2024年10月28日 今日读经:提多书2章. 教导及示范。


对于老年人,保罗劝提多教导他们纯正的道理和正确的行为(多2:2)。对年老的妇女,提多被吩咐要教导她们正确和恰当的生活(多2:3-4)。对年轻男子,提多必须劝他们要自律(多2:6)。对奴隶,提多要教导他们要凡事听从、顺服自己的主人,好使“我们救主 神的道理”,在凡事上都得着尊荣(多2:10)。


