QT: God Vindicates His People Esther9:1–32 Week 49: 29/11/2023. Wed

God Vindicates His People
Week 49: 29/11/2023. Wed
God is powerful enough to overturn the schemes of any deceitful person, unjust policies or evil schemes so that He can further His plan without obstacles.
The evil schemes of Haman have been obstructed by the actions of a woman, a Queen, no doubt, and also the advice and courage of a man, Mordecai. This woman (Esther) and man (Mordecai) might seen powerless or weak in the eyes of others at the beginning of the book of Esther.
However, readers can see with their own eyes how powerful God is in the midst of these schemes, plots and policies. He frequently uses weak people, people who at the start of their ministry see little of themselves. Yet God deployed people and resources skillfully to further His plan. Do you pray to God for such wisdom today?
Even though Mordecai and Esther lived under the jurisdiction of King Ahasuerus in Persia, both Mordecai and Esther sought and successfully obtained justice within the political system of King Ahasuerus, not taking matters into their own hands.
Whatever darkness or challenges you are facing today, look to this God who validates His people's worth and value and look forward to a brighter future and a brighter tomorrow.