QT 04/12/2024 Wed. James 5. Robbing workers? Wait for God? 抢劫工人?等待上帝?
QT 04/12/2024 Wed. James 5. Robbing workers? Wait for God?
READ https://www.esv.org/james5
James 5 closes with a warning to the "rich people" who glory in the accumulation of "wealth", "gold and silver" - "hoarded wealth" (Jas 5:1-3). Luxury and self-indulgence might have been obtained through the strategies of condemning and murdering the "innocent one" (Jas 5:5-6). These are strong words of warning.
REFLECTION: Consider the worker whose wages are short-changed or delayed ("you failed to pay", Jas 5:4). Consider the children whose food items are laced with harmful substances packaged in nice and seductive boxes.
Consider the "cries of the harvesters" (Jas 5:4) whose rewards you know are deserving but, for some inexplicable reasons, you have ignored their contributions?
But for those who are suffering, James asks them to be patient. James exhorts them to stand firm, count themselves as "blessed" and wait for the Lord's return (Jas 5:7-11).
APPLICATION: Therefore, if anyone sins, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (Jas 5:16).
Confessions to each other will restore community relationships. Confessions are rarely one way.
The results are WORTHY of the enormous difficulties of overcoming our own egos, we actually confess to the other person the wrong we have done to them—"That you may be healed" (Jas 5:16). It might assist also in praying "powerful and effective" prayers (Jas 5:16). Turning a sinner from wrong can avoid "death and cover over a multitude of sins" (Jas 5:20).
星期三 2024年12月4日. 雅各书5章。 抢劫工人?等待上帝?
雅各书第 5 章以警告那些以积累财富、金银、囤积的财富为荣的富人结尾(雅 5:1-3)。奢侈和自我放纵可能是通过谴责和谋杀 “无辜的人 ”的策略获得的(雅 5:5-6)。这些都是强烈的警告之言。
反思:想想工资被短付或拖欠的工人(“你没有支付”,雅 5:4)。想想孩子们,他们的食品被掺杂了有害物质,包装在精美诱人的盒子里。想想收割者的呼喊(雅 5:4),你知道他们的报酬是应得的,但出于某些莫名其妙的原因,你却忽视了他们的贡献?
但对于那些正在受苦的人,雅各要求他们忍耐。雅各劝勉他们要站立得稳,把自己当作有福的人,等待主的再临(雅 5:7-11)。
应用:因此,若有人犯罪,你们要彼此认罪,并为对方祷告,这样你们就可以得医治。义人的祷告是大有能力和功效的(雅 5:16)。互相忏悔会恢复社区关系。忏悔很少是单向的。
在克服自我的巨大困难之后,我们实际上是在向对方承认我们对他所做的错事--“使你们可以得医治”(雅 5:16),这样做的结果是值得的。这也有助于我们进行 “大有功效 ”的祷告(雅 5:16)。使罪人改过自新可以避免 “死亡,并遮盖许多的罪”(5:20)。