QT 15/07/2024 Mon. 1Cor 12 Gifts for who? 恩赐是用在谁的身上?

QT 15/07/2024 Mon. 1Cor 12 Gifts for who? 恩赐是用在谁的身上?

QT 15/07/2024 Mon. 1Cor 12
READ http://www.esvbible.org/1cor12

Paul slots the topic of "love" (1Cor 13) in between the issue of spiritual gifts (1Cor 12, 1Cor 14) to highlight its motivational CENTRE. Love is the "more excellent way" (1Cor 12:31) to go about exercising gifts.

REFLECTION (1): Do I insist on exercising my spiritual gifts in an unloving way, without considering the needs of OTHERS? Does my gift benefit OTHERS in any way, or MYSELF only?

APPLICATION (1): Exercise your spiritual gift, not to feel good, or trying to prove yourself (self-actualisation), but because you want to benefit others in the church.

REFLECTION (2): Am I living at the extremes of homogenous unity (every part is the same) or divisive diversity (no one needs the other)?

<--Homogenous unity --?--Divisive diversity-->

Paul sets out the full attitudes required :-

(1) There is only one body (1Cor 12:12): "Divisive diversity" is denied. The metaphors of the parts (1Cor 12:12), foot, hand (1Cor 12:15,21), ear, eye (1Cor 12:16,17,21), nose (1Cor 12:17) highlight this unity and inter-connectedness.

(2) There are many parts (1Cor 12:14): "Homogenous unity" is denied. All are NOT the same (see the rhetorical questions in 1Cor 12:29-30 where all the answers should be "no").

(3) This is regardless of whether that individual part recognises the full extent of its participation and belonging - If the foot should say ... "I do not belong to the body," that would not "make it any less a part of the body" (1Cor 12:15,16).

APPLICATION (2): Think of ways to show "the same care for one another" (1Cor 12:25), strive to rejoice in each other's victories and share sufferings (1Cor 12:26).

星期一 2024年7月15日 今日读经:哥林多前书12章.




反思(2): 我是否生活在同质合一(每个部分都相同)或分歧多元(不需要对方)的极端?



(1) 身体只有一个(林前12:12):“分歧的多元”是不被接受的。肢体的比喻(林前12:12)、脚、手(林前12:15,21)、耳朵、眼睛(林前12:16,17,21)、鼻子(林前 12:17)突出了这合一和其连接性。

(2) 身体有很多肢体(林前12:14):“同质的合一”是不被接受的。全都不一样(见林前12:29-30,所有反问句的答案都是“不”)。

(3) 这无关乎那个别的肢体是否认识到自己的参与程度和归属感--如果脚说...“我不属于身体”,那也不会因为这样而“不属于身体”(林前12:15,16)。
