QT 21/06/2024 Fri. Romans 11. Unity: Similar humility & thankfulness to God. 合一:同样的谦卑和对上帝的感恩。

QT 21/06/2024 Fri. Romans 11. Unity: Similar humility & thankfulness to God. 合一:同样的谦卑和对上帝的感恩。

QT 21/06/2024 Fri. Romans 11. Unity: Similar humility & thankfulness to God.

If you are about to conclude that any person is beyond redemption, remember that there is only one Saviour, Jesus Christ. Not any one of us.

Rom 11:1-6 refers to Elijah and his encounter with Baal. When Elijah remarked that "I alone am left" to fight for God (Rom 11:3, 1Kgs 18:22, 1Kgs 19:10), God revealed the "seven thousand" that He has kept for himself (Rom 11:4). Just look at the numbers:

(1) Elijah - 1 prophet (1Kg 18-19);
(2) Baal has 450 prophets (1Kg 18:19);
(3) Asherah has 400 prophets (1Kg 18:19);
(4) Obadiah hid 100 of God's prophets (1Kg 18:13);
(5) God has reserved 7000 prophets in Israel (1Kg 19:18).

Elijah focused on items 2 & 3, but ignored items 4. Item 5 is UNKNOWN to Elijah. The UNKNOWN resources of God (the 7000) OVERWHELM the rest (<1000). Elijah should not think he is the only one left to fight for God. Our perceptions and knowledge are limited.

By focusing on the 7000, Paul is using the Old Testament text of 1Kg 18-19 to APPLY to the Gentiles. He reminds the Gentiles in Rome NOT TO REJECT the Jews there on the FALSE assumption that there are no God fearers among the Jews, or being proud that it's a Gentiles' world only now after Pentecost (Acts 2).

APPLICATION (1): Get rid of the "only me" superhero mentality. "Do not be arrogant, but be afraid" (Rom 11:20). Do not be "conceited" (Rom 11:25). The reason is clear: "For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you" (Rom 11:21).

In view of Rom 11:11, Gentiles must be thankful for receiving salvation. But do not gloat over the natural branches that seem to have been chopped off from the tree for now.

Paul is still hopeful: "And in this way all Israel will be saved" (Rom 11:26) because God will still keep His promises (Rom 11:28).

APPLICATION (2): Acknowledge that God's wisdom, knowledge, judgments and paths are beyond our understanding often, including the episode of how Jews and Gentiles can come to Christ (Rom 11:33-36). "To him be glory forever! Amen" (Rom 11:36). Be thankful always for what we have in Christ.

星期五 2024年6月21日 今日读经:罗马书11章. 合一: 同样的谦卑和对上帝的感恩。



(1) 以利亚--一个先知(王上18-19);

(2) 巴力有450个先知(王上18:19);

(3) 亚舍拉有400个先知(王上18:19);

(4) 俄巴底藏了100个神的先知(王上18:13);

(5) 神在以色列留下了7000个先知(王上19:18)。






应用(2):承认神的智慧、知识、判断和道路常常是超乎我们的理解的,包括犹太人和外族人如何能够认识基督(罗11:33-36)这件事。“愿荣耀归给他,直到永远。阿们”(罗11:36)。要常常为自己在基督里所得到的感恩 。