
Using Church QR Code to transfer offerings

Using Church QR Code to transfer offerings

Apr 2023 REMINDER on tithing at S-Word EFC 十一奉献提醒 : Members can use online transfers 会友们可用电子转帐来进行. 1️⃣ 教会银行户口 Church Bank Account: 银行 Bank : OCBC Current Account 户口号码 Account number: 673-828992-001 2️⃣ PayNow to church UEN 转账到教会的机构识别号码UEN: T02SS0195A (Please include full name in transaction 请在转账时填上姓名.) Enquiry / to notify FIRST transaction : treasurer@s-word.
Testify for God

Testify for God

Testify for God Testimony glorifies God and encourages listeners. Any big or small experience can motivate people. We encourage believers to share personal experience of God’s love, grace, help, guidance, blessings etc... Do liaise with your Mentor Pastor. 为神作见证 分享见证能荣耀神及鼓励听众。无论分享任何大小的经历都能激励人。我们鼓励信徒分享个人从神所经历到的慈爱、恩典、帮助、引导、赐福等等。。。请与关顾教牧联系。
Tithing Information

Tithing Information

Tithing Information 电子转帐奉献 会友们可考虑用电子转帐来进行十一奉献。 1. 教会银行户口 Church Bank Account: 银行 Bank : OCBC Current Account 户口号码 Account number: 673-828992-001 教会名称:S-Word Evangelical Free Church (请在转帐时输入自己的名字) 询问/通知电邮:treasurer @ 2. PayNow 到教会的 机构识别号码 (UEN) : UEN: T02SS0195A Church Online Offerings Church members can consider using internet online to give your monthly
November 9, 2021 儿童神学院 , 开课了!

November 9, 2021 儿童神学院 , 开课了!

儿童神学院 , 开课了! 欢迎7-12岁的孩子参加,和小熊猫,小斑马,长颈鹿,小河马,小丑鱼...... 一起上课,认识上帝! 每周三, 8pm-8:30pm NOV 24 (周三) 📚 谁生上帝? DEC 01 (周三) 📚 上帝几岁了 DEC 08 (周三) 📚 上帝是男生,还是女生? DEC 15 (周三) 📚 有几个上帝? 教课:邓传道 地点:ZOOM 若您的孩子想参加,请在 20/11 之前,向邓传道报名📩
May 22, 2020 Holy Communion 圣餐礼

May 22, 2020 Holy Communion 圣餐礼

Holy Communion 圣餐礼 We will conduct Holy Communion during online worship. All baptized believers are welcomed to be a part of this sacrament. Please prepare a piece of plain cracker and a small cup of Ribena as elements before worship begins. 我们将于在线崇拜中举行圣餐礼。欢迎受洗的基督徒参与圣礼。请在崇拜之前预备好小片的苏打饼及小杯的Ribena 来虔守圣餐。 Preparation guide (Video) 准备方法 (短片)
Jesus Film

Jesus Film

10/04/2020 耶稣生平的影片 在这受难节让我们藉着观看耶稣的生平来默想神对人类救赎的恩典。这是根据路加福音而录制有关耶稣生平的 127分钟 的影片。你们可以选择适合的语言,和你的家人一起观看。你也可以转发给你未信主的家人和朋友来观看。愿更多人能听到福音的好消息 🙏🏼 On this Good Friday, it is meaningful to view with family this 127-minute movie, “Jesus,” based on the Gospel of Luke. Click on the link for your preferred language. You may also forward to relatives and friends. Pray
Systematic Theology Nurturing Class 2020 [postponed]

Systematic Theology Nurturing Class 2020 [postponed]

Systematic Theology Nurturing Class 2020 系统神学培训班 15-02-2020 Systematic Theology Nurturing Class Materials Drafts. Postponed due to COVID-19 & DORSCON Orange. Awaiting restart. 系统神学培训班课程初稿。因COVID-19而斩期,等待再启动。 Chapter 1: Introduction to Systematic Theology [English Worksheet PDF] 第1章:系统神学简介 【华文讲义PDF版】 What is systematic theology? Why should Christians study it? How should we study it?
Church Mission Statement

Church Mission Statement

Church Mission Statement We strive to be a biblical and caring church where members grow in the knowledge and experience of God. We also emphasize building relationships with family members, friends, the community and people overseas to bring them to Christ. 教会使命宣言 我们致力成为一个符合圣经真理并充满关 怀的教会,会友在认识和经历上帝中成长。我们也看重与家人、朋友、社区及海外同 胞建立美好的关系,从而引领他们归向基督。